Did you ever have a name that is never taken when you sign up for things? Well, I do. "Vaaht" is available on almost everything, unless I've signed up for it and forgotten the password (like on Skype). It's actually quite awesome, as a consider Vaaht as good as my real name.
Anyways, I figure I should write a first post so something comes up when you click on my blog. I really don't have too much to say right now...
I've been working on my MA and generally off the computer lately, partly because I've been at home, and partly because I've been so busy. School starts this week, so that should be cool. I'm TAing Intro Linguistics (whee! students who don't care about linguistics, or in general give a shit about anything!). Ah well. I'm also taking a guitar class (this week is the third week of class), so that's awesome. I'm also currently in the market for a bike, and I think I found a cheap one at Target that I want to get. I also discovered that I have a new love for sewing clothes, so with any luck I will be wearing the dress that I made to school on Thursday. So things are going fairly well, and hopefully they stay that way. My apartment is all clean for school starting, my kitten is appropriately attached to me enough that she'll hate it when school starts because I won't pay much attention to her anymore, and I've just spent the past week having fun with some friends of mine and in general trying to relax. In short, life is good. :)
I'm an amnomynous clam! :D
No one's ever taken riumplus when I have tried. It's brilliant. :D
"Novah" is ALWAYS taken. : (
Kumah's usually not taken, but sometimes it is. I think it's that 'h' that gives me that special curve.
:P Dargus is usually taken but DargusKelen is not. So I just typically use my whole name.
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